Cities’ COVID Mitigation Mapping | Bangladesh

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The C2M2 project in Bangladesh aims to support local authorities, leaders and policy-makers, especially those in cities and other urban settlements, in identifying the effective approaches to plan for and mitigate the effects of COVID-19-impacted loss of livelihoods that resulted in internal migration out of Dhaka. The socio-economic impact of this pandemic in the country is a serious concern at this point. The lack of proper planning and structuring for assessing the impacts of the outbreak on the vulnerable populations raises the urgent need for technology based assessment. Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh is the centerplace of all economic activities where a larger portion of the diverse population fulfills their daily necessity through different economic activities. The poor and the daily wage earners became the worst sufferers. The C2M2 Bangladesh project team is aiming to collect and assess primary and secondary data regarding these events that are the driving forces behind internal migration and geospatially represent it to the national and international stakeholders. Considering the situation, this project will conduct an explorative study to gather secondary as well as primary (wherever necessary) datasets on the background factors which are forcing these people to migrate. This study focuses on outlining the causal factors of outbound migration and also seeks possible solution mechanisms afterwards, which will be assistive in delaminating policy framework limitations.